Bus Transportation


Mascotte Charter is committed to providing safe, reliable bus transportation for their students.  We currently provide transportation for 375+ of our students.  Our bus routes reach areas in Groveland, and all of Mascotte.   

Our buses can arrive up to 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late depending on daily run. Please be at the bus stop 10 minutes before your schedule pick up.

We are looking forward to a great School Year at Mascotte Charter School.

Student dismissal to the buses will be directed over the intercom. Students are to remain in the classroom until their bus is called. Once the student has boarded the bus, he/she will not be allowed to leave the bus. 

  • Every bus student must ride the bus home in the afternoon unless written or verbal permission from the parent has been received at the school office. Transported students are always transported by bus until we are notified of a change. 

  • Children who are not bus-transported students are not permitted to ride the buses.  

  • Transported students are not allowed to change buses or bus stops until the reason for the change has been cleared through the school office and the change approved by the principal, or the coordinator of transportation. 

  • Students will not be allowed to ride a different bus than the one regularly assigned. 

The same discipline is maintained on the bus as in the classroom. Riding the bus is a privilege.  Students who fail to maintain appropriate behavior may be suspended from the bus.


James McNeal

Mr. McNeal

Purple Bus


Mr. Carriero

Green Bus
Yellow Bus

Radean Johnson

Ms. Johnson

Blue Bus


Mrs. Gillingham

Teal Bus
Orange Bus

Robert Godwin

Mr. Godwin

Pink Bus
Gray Bus


Mrs. Pape

Substitute Driver